Rekawa is situated in the vicinity of Weligama and offers the opportunity to watch sea turtles coming on to the shore to lay eggs. Out of the seven marine turtle species found in the world, five are found in Sri Lanka (Olive Ridley, Hawksbill, Loggerhead, Green Turtle and Leatherback). The Rekawa Turtle Watch is a conservation program initiated with the intention of taking care of these turtles and their eggs. This project was first initiated in 1996 and since then they’ve been doing their best to preserve these turtles and making sure the eggs are safely hatched. During the high season (from April to July), the number of turtles that come ashore are more than the number of turtles that come ashore during the low season (October-January). However, sightings take place throughout the year. A lot of patience is required at times if you wish to spot a turtle. The turtles that reach the top of the beach then begin digging a hole for ‘round 45 minutes before laying the eggs and wading back into the water. Visitors are advised to avoid using torches or any blinding lights or camera flashes since it could disturb and distract these turtles.
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